Bravo is a peer to peer fax machine designed to facilitate spontaneous communication between coworkers.
Problem Space
Research and Interviews
We interviewed 6 people...

... rated stress levels equal or greater than a 7 out of 10

... felt there was a lack of team bonding or collaboration.

... felt undervalued and dissatisfied with their sense of achievement 
We then went to the white board and created "Thinks, Says, Feels, Does" statements that reflect our research interviews. 
Quotes from interviewees:

"My team works on the same projects remotely, but there is a lack of community to connect with each other" - Anastasia

"I miss the collaborative requirements of being in person" - Arthur

"I wish there was a way to interact with my colleagues that was not so formal, there is only email and Slack" - Isaiah

A few one pager ideas, to get a concept across. 

Unfortunately this was our first sketch of the final form. Sometimes that is just how it goes...

We felt this idea satisfied several desires expressed by our interviews:
- The desire for a less formal communication platform
- The desire to congratulate co workers and make them feel seen
- The desire to spontaneously communicate with co workers

Prototype Fabrication
Electronics Assembly 
Awards Show and Demonstration (we won!!)
Final Photos